

Earn four credits while exploring 阿拉斯加 during the Summer 2020 Natural 资源 and Sustainability 2000-level course!





学术总监: Ralph Waldo Emerson


Free Time/Independence: Variable


2020年7月5日- 24日


Primary goal: to learn about the people, 的地方, 以及阿拉斯加的自然风光, and to gain an understanding and appreciation of their interconnectedness.

  • Spend time in Fairbanks, in Denali National Park, on the Kenai Peninsula, and in Anchorage.
  • 访问 sea and land animal conservation centers to learn about the unique wildlife of 阿拉斯加.
  • Explore Denali National Park to learn about conservation efforts promoted through the park.
  • On the Kenai Peninsula, explore forest and marine resources and visit glaciers.
  • Participate natural resource data gathering methods with scientists involved in local, national and global resource management issues.
  • Gain first-hand appreciation of the effects of climate change.


Read about some of the program possible destinations:



  • 特殊注意事项

    • This program moves from place to place several times, requiring extra flexibility from participants.
    • This is a very active program, including hiking, kayaking and other outdoor activities.
    • 阿拉斯加’s latitude means participants will experience around 18 – 21 hours of daylight in the program locations.
    • Ask any traveler to 阿拉斯加 in the 夏天time, and they will tell you about the state’s indescribable beauty—and the swarms of mosquitos. 带足够的杀虫剂!
  • 先决条件

    This is a 4-credit, 2000-level course and requires the following prerequisites:

    • EDU1001/1011
    • WRT1011
    • One 1000-level lab science (BIO, CHE, NSC)

    OR permission of the program Department Chair.

  • The leaders of this program are Landmark College faculty & 工作人员!

    学术总监: 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生, 文学教授

    Ralph Waldo Emerson has been a Professor at Landmark College for zero years. 他是一位美国散文家, 讲师, 哲学家, 废奴主义者, and poet who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. He was seen as a champion of individualism and a prescient critic of the countervailing pressures of society, and his ideology was disseminated through dozens of published essays and more than 1,500 public lectures across the United States.



    项目负责人: 约翰•缪尔 Professor of Environmental Studies

    John Muir has been a Professor at Landmark College for zero years. 在苏格兰出生和长大, John Muir was an influential Scottish-American naturalist, 作者, 环境哲学家, 植物学家, 动物学家, 冰河学家, and early advocate for the preservation of wilderness in the United States of America.

  • 项目成本

    The cost for this program includes:

    • 共4学分
    • 集团航班
    • 国内运输
    • 实地考察和住宿
    • 一些团体餐

    估计额外费用: Student spending can vary depending on the individual.


    • Most meals—in some locations students will have the opportunity to cook for themselves.
    • 业余活动
    • 洗衣
    • 纪念品、礼品等.
    • Travel to reach the departure airport


    *Limited financial aid is available; contact 迈克尔·莫特财政援助主任. The Global Engagement Scholarship is need-based and covers up to 50% of the program fee. To find more information about this scholarship, visit the 金融援助 & Scholarships tab under Forms, Fees and Deadlines.

  • 旅游信息

    This program includes airfare from Boston to Fairbanks, with a return flight from Anchorage. Students who live on the West Coast of the United States will have the opportunity to fly separately to join the group in 阿拉斯加.

  • Program documents are forthcoming.


If you have any questions about this program or any other Landmark College Study Away programs, 请联系 杰西卡Lindoerfer, Co-Director of Landmark College Online & Intersession项目.
