
研究 & 培训的博客

Advising Perspective: Teaching 学生 to Self-Advocate

By 克里斯汀·格鲁塔,m.s.A.
具有里程碑意义的大学 Academic Advisor

注:这篇博客文章是我们在线教育课程的期末项目的一部分。”Student Engagement, Self-Regulation, and Motivation,这是我们的 Certificate Program in 执行功能 and LD.

As you can hear in the words of our students (see the table below), self-advocacy is a complex and challenging process. It is also one of the most critical elements of a student’s success, here at 具有里程碑意义的大学 and beyond. 自我倡导培养学生更强的自我效能感、自主性和赋权能力. 它允许学生定义和表达他们作为学习者的身份,并请求和接受他们需要的帮助.

Self-advocacy also fuels the fire of motivation. 当一个学生经历成功和积极的奖励作为他们自我宣传的结果, they are motivated to continue the behavior, 结果是积极的, 健康的反馈循环. As self-advocacy skills develop, feelings of self-empowerment grow.

学生(和他们的导师)会告诉你的另一件事是,自我辩护很难! 我们要求学生从他们面临挑战的领域发言,解决他们的残疾. 压力和焦虑会阻碍学生自我倡导的能力. 当学生们努力接受自我时,这可能是一个混乱而令人沮丧的过程, 羞愧, embarrassment and fear of failure. It is a process that takes time.


“在我做建议之前,我甚至没有完全意识到‘自我辩护’这个词及其含义. 因为我得到了建议,所以我学习并扩展了一些方法,这些方法可以让我更好地成为一名学生, but in a wider sense become an active and contributing adult.”

-Sasha Malowitz, 3rd semester

在提供建议时,我们要明确自己的长处和短处,以及如何利用这些长处. 在制定短期和长期目标时,我学会了把这一点牢记在心, 确保我不仅能吸收自己的优点,也能吸收自己的缺点. 这给了我发展最佳职业道德所需的动力, giving me the self-advocacy to make my own daily goals.”

-Erica Loveland, 4th semester

“Asking a teacher for something can be difficult. 例如,我不得不问我的老师我是否可以在另一个房间考试. 这很困难,因为我不想给我的教授带来不便, 然而, I know it’s better for my learning style. 在为自己辩护时,我变得更有信心了,因为在提出建议时,我能够在行动之前处理好我想要倡导的东西.”

-Jiana Eisenberg, 5th semester


Self-advocacy is one of our 10 Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) in the 建议部门’s curriculum for first year students. It is also intricately interwoven with many of our other SLOs. 例如, 为了进行自我宣传,学生必须对自己的学习优势和挑战有自我意识. 通过评估, dialogue and point of performance practice, 顾问的工作是帮助学生了解并说出他们自己的个人优势和挑战(SLO 1). 学生还必须设定个人和教育目标(SLO 7),以便有一个清晰的路线图,并确定他们需要自我倡导的情况.

在我们教授自我宣传的方法中,顾问在我们的“工具箱”中有许多工具.“我们的目标始终是评估学生的准备情况,满足他们的需求。.“这些是我们用来促进学生自我辩护技能发展的许多策略. Here are a few guiding principles:

  • Ask curious, open-ended questions. 避免颐指气使. 给学生空间去探索目标和挑战,并产生他们自己的解决方案.
  • Encourage self-reflection. As advisors, we often serve as a student’s “historian.” We help them to identify patterns in performance, 回顾他人的反馈,并将其与更大的图景联系起来——他们作为学习者的身份.
  • Teach students strategies to reframe their perspective. 复杂的情绪和消极的想法会成为学生学习动力的巨大障碍. 我们帮助学生识别这些想法和感受,并将其转变为反映成长型心态而不是固定心态的语言和思维.
  • 练习耐心. Effective self-advocacy skills do not develop overnight. For every step forward, there will also be setbacks. These setbacks are actually one of the most effective teaching tools!

Family Roles: Becoming an “Umbrella Parent”

研究指出,父母越来越多地参与千禧一代学生的生活. Many students welcome and rely on their parents’ involvement. While this dynamic can promote close family ties and communication, 它往往无助于鼓励学生的独立性和自我主张.

负面的标签比比皆是:“直升机父母”(盘旋和干预), “扫雪机父母”(向前犁并清除所有障碍)和“泡泡父母”(过度保护并排除安全风险). 许多父母, especially those of students who learn differently, 是否曾在复杂的系统中为学生倡导,以保证受教育的权利和平等的学习和成功的机会. 当你的学生过渡到大学时,你面临的挑战是如何开始转变为一个“配角”,而不是主角.

A more useful and informative analogy is that of the “Umbrella Parent.以下是关于家长如何通过成为“伞形家长”来有效地支持学生自我倡导的发展 Access Project of Colorado State University):

“As your student transitions to higher education, 确保他/她有一把伞并知道如何使用它是至关重要的. This is an important life skill, similar to learning how to do one’s own laundry, make doctor/dentist appointments, and other self-advocacy responsibilities.
现在, 如果你或任何家庭成员发现你的学生需要帮助或支持, rather than popping out your umbrella immediately, ask your student if s/he would like to share your umbrella. 这可以让你的学生决定你在这种情况下的角色. In other words, ask your student what s/he needs from you. 它是一只倾听的耳朵吗, 支持的肩膀, 传声筒, or a person with whom to brainstorm options? 这些都是适合大学生父母/家庭的角色.
Your student may want you to rescue him/her. 这是不合适的,最终也不会促进相互依存和自我宣传技能的发展. 当你为别人撑伞时,你站在他们旁边或旁边. You don’t stand in front of them. This extends to “holding the umbrella” for your student. Allow them to stand in front of you, or next to you. They are benefitting from your support, but they are “in charge.”

资料来源:Donovan, J. 以及通过学习通用设计获得高等教育, “How Parents And 家庭 Can Support Their College Student:
Advice From A Student Services Expert In Higher Education.” Retrieved May 7, 2018 from http://accessproject.colostate.edu/sa/modules/sec1/tut_sec1.php?display=pg_18.


10 Tips to Help Your Student Build Self-Advocacy Skills for College

The 具有里程碑意义的大学 Family Guide. A useful look into the parents’ role, 家庭期望以及如何支持学生在Landmark的发展

具有里程碑意义的大学 infographic on tips for promoting Self-Advocacy


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